Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Prabu Deva's son in search of his father


Prabhudeva and Nayantara Kalahasthi temple to pray for the fulfillment of their marriage. At the same time a furious Ramlath swear to see that girl, who separated them hopes to lead a life.

She said in an interview with Kungumam "I am affectionate to people and people from film industry used to visit us. After all we are part of the cinema industry. That is how I dealt with that girl in the beginning. She uses and grab us in compliance when they visited us. But never knew that she ulterior motive in her head. Would I trusted her to the extent that she could for me to come with a request to give my husband? This is something what no woman can ever ask another woman.That was the first night in the life I never slept.

That this happened when I was recovering from the shock of the death of my first son Vishal due to cancer. Even he never used to care for the welfare of Vishal. After the funeral, he took off with that girl. After Nayantara, Vishal's death continued. This is what happens when someone enters the house by addressing you as 'sister'. Even the children were affectionate to her as she used to give them candy and dresses when she visited. The children now know they had other intentions. She tears how her photos and the TV off when her films were shown. In the middle of the night my son woke Adith to ask me "Mom, where is Daddy". They are psychologically affected. "How does she hope to be happy after the divorce from my husband from me" moans Ramlath.


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